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ALRIGHT MY LOVES!!! Ash and I would proudly like to invite you over to the new site. Located [url=z13.invisionfree.com/strangerlyn]HERE[/url]. This is not a renewed AETU this is a brand new site with a new story line. However! You do not have to alter your character's story line too much. Simply put the main focus is not a school instead it's a town where supernatural creatures are known. You are either for or against them. Your choice. So please! Come over check it out. We are still tweaking a few things but not to worry we are more than happy to have you all there now!
Sally and Ash!
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Information & Updates

All site updates from the Admin will go here. Also information pages such as: introductions, species pages, face claims, residence and activity checks are here as well. All of the information inside this board can be accessed on the left under Information.
1927Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:54 pm
Katsuruo Tsukuda Face Claim
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Please make sure if your going to be absent for a period of time, to post it here! So the Admin and people your role playing with don't think you've up and disappeared. You don't have to give details, just how long your going to be and what characters you play so we don't delete anyone on accident.
25Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:49 pm
Adella Louvel Sad News
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Chat It Up

Your all around every day board. Anything you want to talk about or that doesn't fit the other boards goes here. Just remember to follow the rules and respect your fellow members!
[Fun and Games]
359Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:38 pm
Tristian Arezzo So Your Life's A Musical
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Plots and Requests

Want some plots for your characters? Have a itch to RP or have an open thread that's been sitting around? Need someone to join in on some drama? Well here's the place to put all that!
316Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:27 pm
Tristian Arezzo Lovers
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Create and Imaginate

Your creation station, to put up anything you've created that you want others to see. Graphics, icons, postscripts, fanfic...anything you make, site related or not, can go here. You can also test out codes and other such things here as well.
620Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:39 pm
Elizabetia Romanov Photoshop WIP
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Come here to put up all your adoptable characters, whether they be wanted or just would be fun to have on site or ones you just thought up! [ NPC Database]
55Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:54 pm
Isabella Orb Lottie's NPCs


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History Applications

Everyone needs relationships, right? Of course! Past connections, future connections, drama, love, enemies...all of that can be discussed and organized here. Just remember that this is just to set up relationships! Please remember to RP as well!
25153Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:46 am
Katsuruo Tsukuda Dancing Samurai
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Thread Tracker

For those of us who need a place to keep up and organize our threads, and maybe even for some of us to stalk other people's threads, whatever you want.
612Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:52 am
Mason Whitlock Petey's Thread Tracker
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Anything you wish to role play out that happened to your character in the past with other people, alternate universes, post a passage of something that happened to your character in there life before AETU, what-if's...anything of that nature.
2233Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:49 pm
Francesca Boticelli It's a sin to kill a mockingbird.
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Bulletin Board

Service ads, roommate requests, for hiring signs, personal ads, newspaper articles, ect. Anything to that nature can be placed here.
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Whether your characters writes in a diary or posts a blog, place it all here.
24Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:09 am
Castielle Montisque We are Creatures of the Underworld
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Whether your character has a phone, computer or pager, anything at all, you can post it here for others to contact them. Phone conversations, chats, facebook and twitter and all that good stuff is here as well.

Sugar Mountain Resort

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7249Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:49 pm
Nikita Smith Tis The Season (Open)


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More like a real theater then anything else, the auditorium is large enough to fit practically every student on campus. Stadium seating goes row upon row, and even has private booths up above that look down perfectly upon the massive stage. The seats are rocking and cushioned well enough to keep anyone comfortable through long periods of time and even have cup holders. The walls are covered in wallpaper depicting the evolution of theater in a time line of artwork, starting at the entrance from the beginning of time and all the way down to the stage to modern day. Red velvet curtains are tied back to reveal the stage lit up by bright lights, a stage big enough to fit the needs of any play the drama club puts together. The backstage is large as well and can fit a whole cast of members comfortably, and there are lines of private dressing rooms along with a fully equipped prop and costume room. The auditorium is mostly for plays and the occasional recital or show from band or choir, but at times it is used for school meetings organized by the Dean and can be rented out to clubs. A large screen comes down from the ceiling over the stage to have items projected on it. It's usually empty unless in use, but since it only closes at night students wander in and out as they please.
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Classrooms and Hallways

The halls at Aeternitas are intricate and can be quite confusing for new students and sometimes, even to those who have bee here for some time. Stone halls seem to go on endlessly, doors spaced out one after the other and it seems that even spending four years here you will never know every single hall and classroom. Many rooms are off limits and are indicated by signs, but students seem to sneak in them to snoop among the old items that have been left inside. Classrooms vary from small windowless rooms to large lecture halls and there are ever a few that require key cards. Those special rooms are for specific classes for immortal students that would be dangerous for human students to enter. Many of the windows in the hallways have window seats for students to sit and wait for classes and soda and snack machines are at every corner. Though the main halls that lead to important sections like the Great Hall and Dorms are lit at night, many other hallways are pitch dark to discourage students wandering about in classrooms when they shouldn't be. So watch where you go.
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Front Office

The front office would be the next important place for students after the student center. Not nearly as busy as the building next to it, but a steady stream of students flow in and out throughout the day. As you come through the doors you are greeted by the secretary, who answers any questions a student or visitor might have and helps direct you to where you need to go or what papers you need to fill out. To the left is the Dean's and Associate Dean's office, along with the offices for the Head's of Department's. The right holds the offices for all other professors along for rooms that hold files and other hard copy information. Any paper work can be found and brought here, and also the sign in and out sheet for students leaving campus under twenty one is here at the front desk as well. The whole atmosphere is precise and organized in deep red and gray colors, just like the Dean likes it.
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Hall of Immortals

Just across from the Great Hall located through a tall, dark wooden arch is a large round room lined with portraits. The ceiling goes up so high that no echo can even come back, and at night when the lights are dimmed it seems that there is no ceiling at all and it simply goes on and on into eternity. Portraits of past professors, Deans, staff and some memorable students are forever enshrined here to be looked upon and have their accomplishments on a plaque next to them for all to read. On the wall opposite the entrance are the portraits of the Founders, their firm eyes seeming to watch you no matter where you go in the room. The Hall of Immortals is formal and taken seriously as a respected place, so not many students bother to wander in here, but to those students that can respect the people on the walls, it is a quiet and powerful place to be.
12Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:21 pm
Evelyn Varrow Hall of Immortals
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Student Center

The epicenter for any new or transferring students, here you can find anything you need for your school term. Located next to the front office, the student center is one of the craziest buildings and constantly has students coming in and out, so expect lines at all times. Registration, enrollment, testing centers and financial aid are found here, along with the rooms to pick up your student ID's or attend new student orientation. The counselors offices are here as well, where you can either schedule an appointment or wait for a counselor to be available. Other offices to help with your needs can be found in here as well, and there is a pleasant waiting room both on the first and second floor with a fireplace lit in the winter, located in the middle of all the offices so you can hear your name being called when you're next to be helped. Downstairs near the entrance is a large bulletin board, where announcements, listings, job searches and club fliers can be posted.
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The third largest building on campus, the library is extraordinary even to the student who finds libraries boring. Two stories tall and stocked with all books imaginable, the library at Aeterniatis is a sight to behold. With dark wooden panels on the walls, dark red carpet and dim lightning filtering through the windows, it all gives the atmosphere a quiet and serene touch and along with the original paintings and hand done stone work in the six giant pillars supporting the building, truly a room to respect. In the past years it has been updated, with new computers and printers in the middle of the room for any student to use. To the left and right there are private rooms for the serious student or study group, and dozens of cozy cubbies scattered about in the back for anyone to plop down and work at. On the second story there are giant tables, old furniture dating back to the 1800's and that are near the balcony looking down below to the first floor. The books are extensive, and you can find first editions to new releases within the original bookshelves that have stood there since the school was built. The librarians desk sits near the entrance, where all the books can be checked in and out and detectors sit at the exit to make sure no book is stolen. Noise is not tolerated here, even less so then a normal library, so make sure you keep yourself low key.
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The Great Hall

The largest room next to the auditorium, The Great Hall is centered in the middle of campus. Once a ball room for parties when the school first opened, it has now been transformed to fit the feeding needs of the students. The room is exquisite, with elegant gold and red wallpaper, paintings dating back to the 1600's, a massive fireplace and large, wide windows to bring in the light outside. Long, heavy oak tables fill the inside of the room, with the kitchen off to the far left side and gold chandeliers line the ceiling above and constantly keep the room aglow. A stainless steel buffet table is always set near the kitchen, filled every day with different foods for the students to enjoy every breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is a secured unmarked door near the kitchen, for Vampires to go into the back and enjoy there…needs, in private. The Great Hall is always busy, either with students dining, studying or simply hanging out and on Saturday nights they play music from a popular radio station. It is the most popular spot on Campus.
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Nurse's Station

Newly built when human students were allowed to attend the University, the Nurse's station is conveniently located right in the middle of all the dorm rooms, accessible to anyone when they need it. The Dean ordered it's placement since human students would need the care, unlike immortals. It's equipped to handle any situation, from a minor headache to a large bleeding wound. It is a rather small room, though like any other new building at Aeternitas it is state of the art. It is bright and pearly white inside, always smelling like flowers with a undertone of bleach and other cleaning supplies. There is a waiting room at the entrance with comfy chairs, and then a couple of rooms in the back to tend to any students in need or for anyone who just needs to lie down on a cot. In case of serious emergencies, there is a golf cart in back outside of the building, in case anyone needs to be rushed to a car and taken into town to the hospital. There is a secret cabinet as well locked up tightly behind the Nurse' desk, little remedies cooked up by witches for the occasional immortal who may need them in dire circumstances.
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Teacher's Lounge

Down the hall and to the left of The Great Hall is the one place teacher's can come to talk, complain about students, eat and just overall relax between classes. Though this is no tiny little room with a tiny fridge and some plastic chairs and tables, Aeternitas takes very good care of its professors. Instead of a mini fridge and microwave, the Teacher's Lounge has a full kitchen, with the latest technology of kitchen appliances. A Professor can bring their own food, though its unnecessary with the full time chief that is there preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday and cooks to order. There are tables and comfy dining chairs in the middle of the room, and couches with coffee tables on the other side for any professor who simply wishes to relax. There are TV's in the corners and massage chairs positioned to face each one. To protect from any students breaking in, a pass code is required to open the door.
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The catacombs are the most off limit area on campus, and yet the most explored none the less. It's purpose when first built was mainly for Vampires, to store blood and be a place for Vampires to sleep away from any threats of the sun. It was also meant to be a shelter for protection, in case of emergency, for there is only one way in and one way out through a small creaky wooden door. It is rumored that there are bodies buried down here as well, but those rumors are always dispelled by the staff. It is dark and drafty, there are no working lights down here except a few beams coming in through cracks on the ceiling, though not nearly enough to even put a small film of light within the cold room. The catacombs are just endless twists and turns, as if it was built with no rhyme or reason intended. Empty shelves line the walls except cobwebs and some other old, discarded items are scattered here and there on the floor. There are cages in the back for any wayward Werewolves or Vampires that need confining, but they are well hidden. The catacombs are frighteningly confusing, and most that come down here immediately get lost and travel in circles. It's advised you keep your curiosity locked up and not come down here.
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The campus at Aeternitas is prided in being vast and well kept and the best preserved castle in the U.S for it's age. Large, old gray stone buildings loom tall, some of them the original buildings first built in 1792 and others newly built in the past twenty years. In the middle of the vast grounds is dark green bermuda grass and large willow and oak trees dotting across in perfectly placed sections, with cast iron benches sitting under them that have been there since the school was erected and have the names of the first students engraved in them. Sploshes of wildflowers line the newly paved walkways and well hidden security camera's keep an eye over every corner of the campus. Here you can place threads that don't fit under any of the other sections.
11Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:13 am
Elizabeth Aura Night-time Flights, Awes and Wonders
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Fields and Gym

Behind the school just down a small hill are the gyms, sport fields and tennis courts spread out among each other. There are the fields specified for certain sports, such as football and soccer and the courts for tennis, and then there are several other open fields available for any sports teams or classes that need them; they are also at times used for clubs or school events. Surrounding them are three large gym's, massive buildings that are the newest on campus and state of the art. One building holds a large indoor stadium for basketball, also at times used for gymnastics as well. It also posses a fully equipped work out room and wrestling room and some other random rooms for P.E classes. The second gym has a ice rink for hockey and ice skating and a indoor and outdoor swimming pool, the indoor more for the swim team and the outside more for recreation, for it has a water slide and no markers. The third and last gym has a smaller indoor stadium, most of the lockers are inside this gym for it is closest to the football, baseball and soccer fields. It also holds a snack bar filled with healthy food and drinks along with several other medium sized rooms for the dance and cheerleading teams and for classes such as yoga, zumba, plates and other P.E courses.
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Smokers Alley

Just off to the left of the English and Humanities building, is a long plain stone alley that leads down to the fields and gyms at the back of the school. Built for the purpose of being a shortcut instead of going all the way around the buildings to reach the back of the school, it has now come into use for smokers taking a break between classes and some other people doing things they'd rather not be caught doing. Cigarette butts are littered here along with the occasional trash, but every morning it is cleaned and the mess gone, ready for a new coating of crap to be left upon it. During the day there is always at least a small group of people puffing away and using the shortcut to get around, but at night you will rarely ever see someone deciding to take this route down the dark alleyway. The walls on each side are perfect for someone to crouch above and drop down without you noticing until the last minute...
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Raven Tower

Part of the first original building of the University, Raven Tower is the tallest piece of the school and forever casts a shadow over the campus. It can even be seen for the farthest edges of the Somnio woods, dark and chipped stone after so many years. Because of this tower the school claimed it's mascot, since ravens can always be seen perched atop it. Because of it's age it is meant to be strictly off limits because of the danger that pieces of stone many fall and harm someone. Iron gates were installed at the entrance of the steps in an effort to keep students out. But, mysteriously, sometimes the gates are simply...unlocked, and no one seems to know why or who does it. Students don't seem to care and take the opportunity to sneak up the strange steps to the tower above. No one knows exactly what the tower was once used for, but now the rather large space is used as an attic to store old furniture, portraits, clothes, chests and other things that are now hundreds of years old and forgotten. Students are threatened with being expelled if they are found up there, but it doesn't stop them from doing it anyway.
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Aetas Fountain

Located just inside the entrance of the school to greet every student and visitor, is Aetas Fountain. It is a massive fountain which was built in honor of the founders after the school was open for ten years. Made of pure white marble that has somehow escaped getting dirty even after so many years, water trickles down from the beaks of a flock of marble ravens taking flight in various directions. Some students claim they can sometimes see the eyes of the ravens glowing red at night, but this has never been confirmed. The circumference of the fountain is huge, and serves as a cool place to rest during the warmer months, which is the perfect time to enjoy the fountain, for the water turns off during the winter time to avoid it becoming frozen. When the sun is out, you can see glowing and glitter coming from below the water, for students throw coins into it and make wishes.

The Grounds

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The Stables

Found close to the campus but downwind enough that the smell of horse and manure don't travel to the school, the Stables are probably the most casual and earthy structure at the whole University. Horses were taken off Campus after cars became popular for transportation, but were replaced a few years ago on the Dean's orders, for she missed their presence. The area is not fancy or state of art like the rest of Aeternitas, and it is like stepping on any old farm when entering here. The barn is beautifully kept, but is just a normal cement building with many roomy stables lined inside and plenty of spaces and closets for storage. Behind the stable are a few open pastures, and next to them are areas for training and practice in the events of dressage, jumping and cross country. There is a smaller stable disconnected from the larger, for any pregnant or ill horses that need to have their own privacy and special attention. All the horses at Aeternitas are specially trained to tolerate the presence of hunters, specifically Vampires and Werewolves. All the horses are property of the school and are mainly used for the Equestrian club on campus, but can be used by any student who wishes to ride or learn to ride. There are also reserved spots at the end for any personal horses students bring to campus. Personal horses are solely their owner's responsibility and the stable hands are not required to tend to them. At night the stables are locked, and only those of the Equestrian club or who have their own horses stabled here have keys to enter.
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Church of Everlasting

Built the same time the University was erected, Church of Everlasting has proven to be a strong and faithful building throughout the years. The Founders had strong religious beliefs, and the church has been wonderfully preserved and taken care of. Its age is regally shown outside, with a golden cross standing high above the roof and stained glass windows carved into the brick walls. Inside is devastatingly beautiful, the walls are carved with golden angels coming out to touch you, silver arches and the stained glass windows portray scenes of miracles from the Bible. The ceiling is high with a oval window above to let in the sunlight and golden chandeliers to match the intricate details all around the church. Rows upon rows of oak pews line the inside on the left and right, with a red carpet leading down the middle to the large pulpit with Jesus carved in the front and a few pews to the left and right of it from behind. There is a small unassuming door off to the side behind the pulpit, where a small room resides for the priest to live. The Church once held only Catholic beliefs, but because of the diversity of the school it now is simply a Christian church with no true roots to any certain religion. Mass is held every Sunday and its doors are always open for anyone who seeks shelter or help within it.
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Old Building

Yes, the Old Building has no name except simply that title and sits alone in a random spot in the middle of the woods. Many Immortal students don't even know what the building was used for, and there are no signs of what the wooden structure was once served as for it is completely empty inside, though it somewhat resembles some sort of office. It is clear it has been abandoned for quite some time, and that the school has no use for it or its upkeep anymore. Because of its distance from the school and its seclusion, parties are more then often held here and its a surprise the creaky building hasn't fallen already from the loud music and crazy fests that happen under its roof.
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Fontana Road

Fontana Road is the only main road that leads in and out of Havelock from the University. It takes about a thirty minute drive to enter Havelock, and there is never any traffic on the long stretch of road. It starts out like a dirt road, and then slowly transforms into a modern day street the closer to the city you get. Just make sure your car is in good shape and you have enough gas, because from the school to the city there is nothing but road and trees all around you and cell phone reception is not the greatest. It would not be the best place to get stuck at night.
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The Ruins

Just south of campus, only about a fifteen minute hike, are old charred remains of a once brick building. It was once a part of the school, but obviously suffered a fire and it also seems as if someone had attacked it as well with a wrecking ball, for there are pieces of the building scattered about with wild foliage growing around and over them. It used to be private rooms for newly turned Werewolves and Vampires that needed or wanted to be separated from other immortals that attended the University. However, it suffered the destructive fire over a hundred years ago and was simply never rebuilt, and the rumors give good reason. The immortal community say it was burned down by hunters, and simply not a mistake fire, and that the University hasn't rebuilt because the area is now cursed. Of course the school denies this, and say they simply leave the land at peace to not disturb the Werewolves and Vampires that were lost in the fire. To the human students, it's simply a piece of the school that burned down and was never needed again to be rebuilt.
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Fairy Fall

If you wander the woods enough, you will find a naturally cut little path of cleared trees that lead down to a rather small, but very beautiful waterfall. Named by human students that claimed they could see Fairies there at night, Fairy Fall is a relaxing place to hang out, if you are able to find it and remember how to get there. The waterfall is surrounded by a cluster of trees and flowers, with grass space near the small pool that leads out to a river. Light filters through the trees and hits the roaring water, making it twinkle during the day. During the summer the water is perfect for swimming, and many animals come here to drink as well.
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Somnio Woods

The Somnio Woods stretch out and surround the area of Havelock and the school, and are infamous by rumors that have been spreading since the school was created. Many different trees grow here, mainly pines and oaks, and the trees have gone so long untouched from fires or lumbermen that they reach so far up that you can barely see patches of the sky when you walk. The woods are pretty and peaceful during the day, and are perfect for hikers or a nice picnic for even on a hot day the shade of the trees keep it cool. But at night? The woods take a sinister turn when the sun goes down, and this is where the rumors and tales have began. Stories of monsters, deformed creatures and red eyes that stalk you have been told since the town of Havelock, or really the University, was founded. It is easy to get lost at night, which is why the school advises students to avoid the woods after daylight...or at least, that's the excuse they use.


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Crystal Coast

A twenty minute drive from the beach, Crystal Coast is the most popular home district in Havelock. The homes vary from small and quaint to large and ridiculous mansions, but all are pretty well reasonably priced for any family and there will always be a home that will work for you, either if your renting or buying.
123Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:10 pm
Nowe Veleno Love Bites (Zach)
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Zotheca Cottages

Varying around a fifteen minute walk to campus, Zotheca Cottages are reserved for married couples, single students who have children or students over 25 that want complete privacy and the comforts of a true home. There are only five of them, and they are close to each other but not in sight or hearing range of one another. They are tucked well into the woods, and are painted in light colors. They are not extravagant by any means, but are cozy and spacious enough for one to live comfortably in. They are two bedrooms, with a kitchen, living room, bathroom, a small fenced backyard and a porch. They come with security installed and are not to pricey to rent out, but are very difficult to get.
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Havelock Hills

Located in the middle of Havelock is Havelock Hills, the most developed district of apartments in the whole city. Hills Drive goes straight up through the small rolling hillside, with streets branching off to different apartment complexes. Apartments range from cheap little boxes to extravagant condo's, but the rich and the poor are pretty much clustered only with there own kind and divided by an invisible line. Apartments in whatever your price range can definitely be found here.
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Praeceptor Chambers

Praeceptor Chambers was built fifty years ago, but was recently renovated and are in use for any Professor that doesn't wish to make the thirty minute commute from Havelock to campus. It is a tall, modern steel building that is just a ten minute walk from it's quiet place tucked in the woods to campus. Each apartment is in fact a beautiful, spacious flat and vary from one bedroom to two bedrooms. Each has a kitchen, large living room, den and bathrooms to match the number of rooms. There are four wide floors with stair and elevator access, and each flat is rather plain and simple with white walls and beige carpet, a blank canvas for a Professor to do as they wish. The front and back entrances are secured, and can only be entered with a key card that also opens the apartment door.
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Dean's Quarters

Tucked away in a little clearing of trees close to campus, is Evelyn's home, a quaint little building that reflects the old fashioned Dean. It was once a barnyard for horses, but once cars came into use and horses were no longer needed for transportation, they were removed. Evelyn always spent much of her time in the barn with the animals, and thus changed it into a home years after the horses were gone. It is painted white outside with a small porch and cabin like in structure. It is very tidy and old fashioned within, though not many get to glimpse inside for the Dean is very strict on not allowing students to just come to her home whenever they please; however, her door is always open for emergencies, both physical and emotional. Though a peak through the windows would reveal a small kitchen, living room with a recently placed TV and two bedrooms with one bathroom, no extravagant furniture or accessories. She has a small garden in the back filled with her favorite exotic flowers, and many wind chimes in the front above her porch. She is not home often unless late at night and is seen more in her office on campus. Though lately, you may see a young woman walking about...
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Tironis Hall

Tironis Hall is exclusively for Freshman and Sophomores and is located on the left of campus. It is less fancy then the dorms for the Juniors and Seniors, but that is not saying much with the extravagances of the University. Tironis Hall is made of dark red brick, with perfectly kept flowers and low foliage around the building. It is co-ed, with each of the four floors split into half men and half women, with the highest floor all single dorms for the students who want to pay more for privacy. Each floor has a common room, littered with couches and tables, a couple of large screen TVs, video arcade games, a fireplace for the winter and the normal old fashioned accessories that make the atmosphere seem more like a expensive hotel then a college dorm. The dorm rooms themselves are large, not as spacious as the upperclassman dorms, but definitely big enough to satisfy any student. The beds are all twins with expensive mattresses and every dorm has it own small bathroom. The inside walls are of the same brick as the outside, with high ceilings, a window and enough room to fit a whole bedroom set for both roommates. There are back doors that you may exit, but cannot come back in. There is only one entrance, with the monitor's desk right next to it to watch who and what comes in and out.
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Erus Hall

Located to the right and across from Tironis hall, is Erus Hall, for the Juniors and Seniors living on campus. It is made of the same brick as the underclassman dorm building, but has larger trees surrounding it for a more secluded feeling. It is much nicer and upscale then the underclassman dorms, and it's vastness is clearly evident when coming through the front doors, which is situated exactly like the underclassman entrance. It has four co-ed floors, with each floor split into half women and half men, except the top floor which is all single rooms for the more serious student who wants to pay more for there privacy. Each floor has a common room, lavished in beautiful furniture for lounging about or maybe even studying, several big screened TV's attached to different game consoles and a DVD and blue-ray player, a fireplace for the winter, a large fishtank with tropical fish, windows with window seats that look out to the campus, a ping-pong, pool table and air hockey table, a white board on the wall for anyone to write upon. There is also a fully equipped and stocked kitchen on every floor, with a eat-in bar. The dorm rooms are truly massive and could easily fit a group of six students instead of two assigned to each one. Each dorm has a window with a perfect view, and have a small second story to be put in use for anything the roommates wish. The beds are full sized expensive mattresses and a full, well sized bathroom as well with walk-in closets. The walls are brick and each have there own, unique design on one walls ranging from ravens, to trees, to the waterfall and other attributes of the University.
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Conlegium Suites

Just a twenty minute walk from campus are the upperclassman apartments, the opposite direction from the Professor's apartments and are for any upperclassman who wishes total independence and privacy from the campus life. The Conlegium Suites building is a rather plain, reddish brick building on the outside with gray stairs leading up to all three floors, but has a beautifully decorated front office that could rival any five star hotel. It's always neat and well kept outside, with large oak trees and rows of flowers. The apartments themselves are plain, with simple white walls and beige carpet, but can be decorated in any fashion the renter wishes. They are average sized and differ from several different floor plans, but overall vary from one to three bedrooms, a well sized kitchen, living room and walk-in closets. They are not cheap, and renters are expected to pay all the bills themselves, but can be worth it to be kept away from the rules and overall rowdy campus life that can exist in dorm rooms.
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Louvel Manor

Just a few miles outside of school grounds nestled back within the forest lies a Louvel Manor. Vines creep and crawl up the sides of the log cabin, accenting the picturesque nature of the home. An open porch appears more welcoming than the actual owner of the home with a red swing swaying to the left. Inside the cabin is cozy and hand crafted in detail. Simple, yet modern woodwork throughout the home gives a natural aroma and relaxing setting throughout. The kitchen and living room take up most of the home with their high ceilings and modern appliances. Though the bathroom is something to brag about with stone flooring and a unique shower/bathtub set wide enough for multiple people. Just big enough for two or three to live in comfortable, the Louvel home holds five stars for character.
4152Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:47 am
Adella Louvel You're gonna miss me when I'm gone.


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Craven County Airport

The only airport in the city, Craven Country Airport is no where near as large as most airports, but it serves it's purpose and does in fact have some international flights coming in and out. It's not fancy or recently updated with the latest technology, but it's well kept, has friendly staff and have never had any problems with their planes or with security. There is a decent sized food court on the first floor and some shops for last minute gifts on the second, but not much else graces the inside except some surprisingly tight security and the normal baggage claim and sections of any basic airport.
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Pine Knoll Shores Beach

There are many beaches on the coast of Havelock, but only one natives of the city would say is the best to go to. Pine Knoll Shores is a long stretch of white covered sand and scattered thin trees in the occasional spot. It is the most well kept beach and has the best waves for surfing and great fishing spots off the piers. There is a small grassy patch that has been set up as a picnic area near the area used for parking, with vendors nearby selling all kinds of food and cold treats. A small harbor rests here as well, with luxury yachts and sail boats waiting on the water until their owners come to use them. Bonfires are frequent here at night, but it is advised no one swim at night for the life guards are off duty once the sun goes down. For anyone who wants to take a break from the sand, just up a small sandy hill is a large span of grass with a great view of the water. On the farthest right side of the beach there are a couple of beach stores, selling overpriced items like swimsuits, surfboards, henna tattoos and other beach accessories and novelties.
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What would a city be without a Starbucks? Located on the corner is one of the many Starbucks in Havelock, but seems to be the most popular for is is centered around many shopping districts and the mall. Like any other Starbucks, it is decently sized with the barrista on the left side as you enter to order your coffee from the menu behind the counter or pick out a treat from the glass selections and many tables and chairs on the right. There is free wi-fi for anyone who wishes to use it as well. During the day it is the normal run of the mill people coming in and out, but at night the place can become very packed as many students come here to hang out.
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If you ask any frequent goer of Dayglow, they will tell you that Dayglow might not be the best club in the city, but it sure as hell is the most fun. Once a old shipping yard, the space is definitely large enough to fit the large hordes of people who come every night to the club. Unique and to it's name, Dayglow is a glow in the dark nightclub. The walls and windows have been blacked out with black paint and then splattered with glow in the dark paint on top, but not just the walls, but the ceilings, the floors, tables, chairs, bar, lounge areas...every inch of the club is covered in glowing paint, even the bathroom, with blacklights lighting it all up above you. There are even huge metal cans filled with paint, for anyone who wants to cover there clothes in the stuff. The DJ sits on a metal platform across from the bar, while the bar itself runs down one whole side of the club and drinks are served in cups that twinkle lights on the bottoms. The music is loud and the people are crazy, and it always serves for great fun.
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Maritime Museum

One of flashiest advertised places and never actually truly busy is the only museum in the town of Havelock. Maritime is a small but well put together museum of science, which is mostly filled with kids on school field trips and the occasional college student with a love for science. There are quite a few exhibits on display that range from space, to nature, to anthropology and more. All are small but are packed with information and fun activities to interact with. The newest exhibit was built a year ago and added on to the back of the building, where the displays change seasonally. Dinosaur, futuristic science, Egyptian or Roman and other random, educational displays change from time to time and require a extra special fee besides the fee to enter the museum. There is a food court inside as well that serves decent but rather greasy food, and a botanical garden outside attached to the museum with many exotic flowers, foliage and trees.
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Forever On Cemetary

Just on the outskirts of town, is a large span of deep green grass filled with loved ones passed on. Forever On is secured by a wide, cast iron gate and a visitors center up a little road for the family of the deceased to make arrangements. Behind it are the perfect rows of graves, mausoleums and marble angels that name all of those that have left our world and there is a cobblestone path that easily takes you to each section of the groomed grounds. The front part of the cemetery is all new graves and perfectly well attended, but the further back you go the more unkept the grounds are until you reach the old, crumbling graves that have been there for ages. Here foliage and trees grow wild, for the families of these people have long since passed themselves and no one comes to lay flowers on there faded graves anymore.
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Rivertowne Square

If you're looking for a specific store for your needs, then this is the first place you'll want to hit first when it comes to everyday shopping and necessities. Rivertowne Square branches on both the left and right side of the street, so if you couldn't find one store on one side, it's just a quick drive across the street and you'll be sure to find the store on the opposite end. Stores like Super Target, Petsmart, Ross, Kohls, Home Depot, Safeway, Bed Bath and Beyond, Lesley's Pool Supplies, Radio Shack, some restaurants like Applebee's and so much more can be found here.
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Havelock is neither a big city or a small town, but somewhere perfectly in the middle. If you want quiet suburbs, it's right there at your fingertips with all the stores and places you need to be comfortable. But if you want the city glamor and nightlife it's only a short drive away. It's the best balance for a college town. Broad Creek Park is located almost in the center of Havelock with Rivertowne Square to the North, the airport to the West, the Maritime Museum to the East and the Hawkin's Movie theater to the South. Various other restaurants, bars and shops are tucked here and there on every side with the residential areas sprawling beyond that. Here you can put any threads that don't fit into the other boards.
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4 Corners Diner

On the corner near some dark alley is a tiny, run down looking little diner with nothing fancy or to show that it's a running restaurant other then the lights on the fading white banner of words that reads "4 Corners Diner". The diner has been there for years, no one knows how long, but there are pictures of the owners inside in old black and white photos and the current owner would just tell you that 4 Corners has "been around". It's shabby and sad looking, with chipping plastic tables, tears in the plastic cushioned seat covers and cracks all over the floor and on the walls and even a jute box in the back that works on and off. The motif is stuck in the twenties, and not on purpose, and all the waiters don't even wear matching uniforms. But it's clean and for the people that know about its existence they'll tell you it's the best damned food in the city. It's open 24/7 and has gotten quite a name for the new University students. It's never very crowded, but from time to time at night there will be a decent crowd of people.
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Hawkins Movie Theater

Hawkins is the most recent theater in Havelock and opened its doors five years ago. It has thirty theaters, the largest in the city, and is decently well kept on the inside, but not many seem to care about its not so perfect cleaning job when all they want are the movies and food. The carpet and overall decorations are purple and red swirls of old fashioned movie film, and there are black and white portraits of famous stars hung up on the walls as you enter. The ticket booth is inside right at the front, with the large snack bar just behind it in the lobby. Hawkins sells more then just popcorn, soda and candy; you can get a variety of food and drinks like pretzels, smoothies, mozzarella sticks, french fries, sandwiches and more. To the left and right you can show your ticket and walk down to your theater, and down the end of both halls are smaller concessions stands for refills or last minute candy runs. The theaters vary from smaller theaters to large ones for blockbuster releases, the four largest are IMAX, and are all stadium seating with rocking chairs and enough leg room to be comfortable. On Sunday nights they show old movies, sometimes black and white and others that have been out for years, in the smaller theaters for cheaper ticket prices.
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Pop A Top

Pop a Top is a rather unassuming building and does not advertise it's status as Havelock's only Gay Bar with too many bright colors or anything of that sort. The building itself is brick with two levels of windows above the ground floor. During the day it looks just like any other bar, except for the small rainbow flag that hangs above the door. At night, however, the building is lit with six lights in the colors of the rainbow. The bar itself is made of a series of layered lights starting with red at the top and finishing with purple at the bottom. The rest of the inside, like the outside, isn't overly 'gay' either and could almost pass for any other bar or club in the country. There's an open dance floor and tables situated along the walls with a stage across from the bar where karaoke, live bands and other such entertainment can set up. They also have various events and specials on certain nights like strippers, drag shows and the like. The second floor is a more quiet and 'private' area where people who don't like the loud music and crowds of the main floor can drink and mingle in relative peace and quiet. There is no smoking allowed in Pop a Top and anyone found harassing the patrons in or around the bar can expect security (and sometimes other patrons or the bartenders) to put an end to it promptly.
123Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:44 pm
Nowe Veleno Another Busy Night
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Abandoned Warehouse

Standing alone behind a chain link fence in could what be considered the "bad" part of the town, this warehouse was once in use for manufacturing different goods, but went out of business about ten years ago and has stood empty since. It is a tall gray building that is starting to look dilapidated from weather and its lack of being taken care of. For some time after it closed no one bothered with it, but one day some kids broke in and threw a rave inside and now it gets quite a few visitors. The chain link gate is held by a lock and chain, but if pushed apart it is easy to slip between and get onto the property. The windows are closed shut by wood panels, but the entrance doors are unlocked and open easily when pushed. Inside is dark, moldy and covered in a thick layer of dust and if you look on the floor with a flashlight, you will see the leftover prints of rats, raccoons and the occasional person who came to the building before you...and who may still even be in there. There are three stories to the building, with some of the old machinery, desks, trash and other things left behind when the warehouse closed. There is no fear of getting caught by the cops for trespassing, because no one cares about this building anymore.
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Onslow Memorial Hospital

Onslow Hospital was just recently torn down five years ago and the smaller more old fashioned hospital was replaced with a new, beautiful steel white building with all the new technology they need to help with any emergency. It isn't very large, but it is big enough to fit the needs of any massive emergency that were to ever happen in the town of Havelock and as of yet, none has. The hospital in reality doesn't get many cases, for Havelock is not known for too much crime. An occasional shooting or hit and run accident, but only about one brutal murder a year passes into the sanitized halls of Onslow. The inside is all white except the occasional touch of cheery flowers and inspirational posters on the walls, while the children's ward is plastered with toys, wacky colored walls and TVs playing Disney movies.
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Sharky's Tavern

Located just a few minute's walk from the hubbub of the beach, is the oldest damned bar to exist in Havelock. It is a very well kept place for a little local bar near the beach, but the wear and tear of many years is clearly evident on it. The sign above the entrance is a big, animated shark wearing sunglasses with the words "Sharky's Tavern" below it in blue lettering. The building is a mixture of the old wood foundation and new cement, and the inside is pretty roomy and cozy with a small fireplace in the middle. The chairs and tables are cleverly made of old surfboards and driftwood, and there are plenty of windows with blue shades over them to keep the sun out when its overbearing. The bar wraps around half of the room in a shape of a U with blue lights that shine on the bottom at night, and is very well equipped with the best stock of drinks in town, they even carry many exotic drinks and imported alcohol. During the day the bar is mostly filled with kids and teenagers hanging out from the beach, but at night the real patrons fill the room and during the weekends live bands come to play, squished in the corner.
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Streets and Alleyways

Havelock is infamous for its dark back alleyways and mashed together modern and old streets. Anywhere you need to go there is some shortcut to it, but most don't feel comfortable taking the winding labyrinth of alleyways, especially not at night when there's no light. The streets at times can be confusing, the red lights are always so long and there seems to be construction on the roads that never seems to go anywhere. But to get to point A to point B, it works, just not always quickly or smoothly. Just be careful if you choose the alleyways or dim sidewalks to get around at night...you might not like what you may stumble upon, or what may stumble upon you.
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Broad Creek Park

Broad Creek Park is a large area of trees and greenery located in the center of Havelock with everything else surrounding it. It has everything a nice park needs, a large open field for picnicking, Frisbee, football and just about anything else you can think of. A portion of this field is dedicated to covered areas with picnic tables and grills where large groups can gather for parties and such. Opposite the picnic pavilions is a large amphitheater where outdoor concerts and other events are held. There are also plenty of trees with nature trails for hiking or biking and trails dedicated to horseback riding as well. There is also a kid's playground with various equipment and toys for kids of all ages. It is a fenced area with plenty of shaded benches and picnic tables where parents can sit and watch their children. Near the playground is the public pool where anyone can come and swim for a small fee. The pool is open all night but between 10 p.m. and 10 a.m. is adult only swimming. A large, beautiful fountain is located in the center of the park with the butterfly garden surrounding it. The park also hosts outdoor movies (showing everything from very old silent films to the hottest new releases) every weekend as long as the weather is nice.
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Twin Rivers Mall

Twin Rivers is the only indoor mall in Havelock, so it's a good thing it's so large and very well equipped with the best stores anyone could ask for when it comes to shopping. It is two stories and lined with any store imaginable. Hot Topic, Dillards, Victoria's Secret, Body Works, The Disney Store, Forever 21, Couch, Gap, Hollister, American Eagle, See's Candy, Macy's, JC Penny, Sport's Authority, Claire's, a petshop, an indoor glow in the dark mini golf and anything else you can think of. There is a big food court on the second floor and a Chevy's and Red Robin restaurant, along with a small AMC 10 movie theater downstairs. Mon-Thurs the mall is open till nine, but Fri-Sun it is opened till ten and holidays like Christmas eve it's opened till midnight.

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8080Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:12 pm
sunev  Sverige- A Fantasy Wolf RPG
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